
Through a women and gender studies class, I've had this opportunity to create a blog formulated around feminism, women's rights, leadership in the movement, and discrimination in gender and race. This opportunity proved to be very rewarding as I believe it is very important to be informed of the history and current struggles faced by women today. Having this understanding allows people to have a greater appreciation for feminism, as well as know what it really stands for. Too many times have I heard people say that the women's movement is "dead" or an argument towards males, so being informed and equipped with the real truth is the only way to face these false statements and really have the opportunity to make change. I was inspired to choose a theme about the parallels in the past and present because of a newspaper I received one day. The head story read ,"Local Women Making 68 Cents Off Of Every Dollar Males Make." I was surprised because in my class, we had recently studied women's pay in the past and legislation that was supposed to guarantee equality. I was very curious to research the issues women still have today compared to the same in the past and feel that this blog adequately represents some of these parallels, as well as the historical background of the women's movement and leadership within.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Recent Cases Shed Light on Domestic Violence, However, Nothing is New

      Domestic violence has affected women around the world for far too long. One of the
A woman is begging to be spared
 by a man.
Photo: livejournal.com
earliest documented cases was in 753 B.C. in Rome under the Laws of Chastisement where men had the right to physically beat their wives in punishment with rods. In the 1500s, the Russian State Church sanctioned the oppression of women by issuing a household ordinance which stated that men could beat and kill their wives for punishment. They were allowed to use a whip as long as it was no thicker than their thumb (the rule of thumb). Some wives rebelled and killed their abusive husbands first, but were punished by being buried alive with only their head over the surface of land.
Some early doctors claimed beating was "therapy."
This ad was released in the mid 1900s
Photo: boingboing.net
During the same time of the "Golden Age," England taught women and children that they are to obey the man of the house and abuse was encouraged to men. During the 1880s, women were allowed to separate from their husbands, but were not allowed to divorce them. During the late 1800s, some courts in Louisiana begin to hold men accountable for marital rape, wives can no longer be kept under lock and key, life threatening beatings brought about divorces, and wives and daughters were no longer allowed to be sold into prostitution. In the late 1960s, for the first time in Italy, men were charged for killing a wife, sister or mother. Although the women's movement definitely called for serious change in domestic violence, the severity in past years is almost unbelievable. The women's movement was not enough to stop all violence, and a serious amount still occurs today throughout the world. (ICADV.org)

      The new cases of domestic violence in the NFL have definitely brought the abuse to
Ray Rice "apologizes" alongside his wife.
Phtoto: khon2.com
light. Ray Rice dragging his significant other out of an elevator after hitting her hard enough to knock her out, aside from other recent players being accused, brings question of if women are really respected in multi-million dollar organizations, franchises, and entertainment sites. Although new laws are being made in the NFL that conclude that a first offense will lead to a six-game suspension, while a second will cause a banishment from the NFL. 
(Muir, David) It is interesting to note, however, that players who have been caught smoking weed and getting illegal tattoos have been suspended for much longer terms, including Cleveland Brown Josh Gordon who is suspended for a year because of marijuana use. Also, 21 of the 32 NFL teams employed players with sexual violence or domestic abuse on their records. Obviously, people really are not taking domestic violence seriously and it is ashamed that people are being hired into professional positions without the examination of their criminal record. (Dockterman, Eliana) 

      Aside from recent cases polluting the news and major company cover-ups, statistics also prove that domestic violence is far from being cured among women. According to safehorizon.com, one in four women will experience domestic violence in their life time with more than 4 million physical assaults and rapes from partners. Women are more likely to be killed by their partner than men and one in three female homicides are carried out by a significant other. Similarly to sexual abuse, domestic violence often strikes young adults of the ages 20 to 24. (Safehaven.com)

Dockterman, Eliana. "The NFL Needs To Take Domestic Violence Seriously." Fortune.Com (2014): 1. Business Source Premier. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
"Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts." Safe Horizon. Safe Horizon, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
"History of Battered Women’s Movement." ICADV. Department of Health Services, 1999. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

MUIR, DAVID, and MARA SCHIAVOCAMPO. "Nfl's New Rules On Domestic Violence." Good Morning America (ABC) (2014): 1. Regional Business News. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

The Argument Over Birth Control and Abortion

    Although my opinion is not expressed in this post towards abortion, it is inevitable to recognize the constant arguments that surround and criticize abortion and even contraception. Some of these opinions take into account religion, past influences, and politics. Some say the impact of restricting women from these choices removes their rights, and is also not understood by man. Additionally, some believe that if men were in this position, their freedom of choice about their bodies would be unquestionable. 
Planned Parenting Propaganda
Photo: truthandcharityforum.org
        Margaret Sanger, considered the Mother of Birth control, is seen to the right in a video of an interview she had with Mike Wallace in 1957. Her strategy to allow the choice up to women in regards of abortion and birth control began with challenging the Anthony Comstock laws in court, which forbid the distribution and information about contraceptives. She studied birth control methods and produced the first family planning pamphlet that shared her findings, although it was quite illegal. As a nurse, she opened the first American birth control clinic in 1916 in Brooklyn after observing the outstanding number of women who requested contraception. However, the New York City Vice Squad raided and closed the building, all while putting Sanger in jail. She was a strongly hated woman by some people at the time proven through trials, harassment, and raids, but she continued to gain pubic appreciation. In 1952, a national birth control conference was held by American supporters of Sanger's efforts, as well as Albert Einstein. Today, this group has continued through generations and is called the International Planned Parenthood Association. She argued that although her fight was for the rights of women to control their fertility and the right of parents to be free of crises of unwanted pregnancy, these rights would also give every child the right to be wanted. She received the Medal of Achievement of the American Women's Association in 1931. (Wardell, Dorothy)

      The Sachs case was one of the most influential and motivating in Margaret Sanger's life. She was called once 28 year old Mrs. Sachs was found dead on a floor from blood poisoning after a self-induced abortion. Previously, she went to her doctor for help; their conversation described by Sanger read: "The pale and grave Mrs. Sachs asked, 'Another baby will finish me, I suppose? ' The doctor strongly agreed, 'Any more capers, young
woman, and there'll be no need to send for me.' 'I know, doctor.' she replied timidly, 'but . . . what can I do to prevent it?' The doctor retorted. 'You want to have your cake and eat it too. do you? . . . Tell Jake to sleep on the roof.'" This story brought a haunting realization to many people: if contraception was not offered, women's health may be in danger in some cases and pregnancy may lead to accidental self injury. If abortion was not offered to the public, women may come to extreme cases to take it into their own hands such as Mrs. Sachs did. She believed limiting the family size would prevent poverty and unhealthy families if the children were unwanted. (Wardell, Dorothy) 

      There are still many arguments about abortion and contraception today. Many pro-life
Photo: ucsb.edu
activists believe that abortion is murder and unconstitutional because even though the embryo is in the womb, it is still considered another human. Aside from this, abortions may be emotionally damaging to women as many report depression after the abortion. Since women are given the ability to produce children, many believe that abortions abuse this blessing and is injuring womanhood more than the lack of choice would. There have been a total of 45 million legal abortions from 1973 to 2005, proposing the question of whether abortions are becoming abused among lack of responsibility. (Wagner, Rich) Pro-choice activists support Sanger's opinion that women should have the right to make choices for their own bodies, and that abortion if given at the right time period, is not murder as the baby is not far in formation yet. However, a study in Canada concluded that 1,270 babies died after botched abortions, and 491 babies were born alive after failed abortions, although the study did not detail if the babies' health was affected. (Ertelt, Steven) The topic of abortion will never be decided on as many have strong opinions. Aside from this, there has been an immense amount of protesting, harassment of women, and vandalizing of clinics where law passing was necessary to protect patients. Some believe that adoption can relieve this issue, while others believe that abortion will lower overpopulation, poverty, and poor family relation rates.

Photo: hobbylobby.com
      Although contraception is more accepted than abortion in society in most cases, many religions still refrain from the use and support as they believe that conception is a natural process that should not be stopped or that sexual relation should only occur between two people who want a child. A recent and popular case involved the store Hobby Lobby. The store owners are religious people who do not believe in abortion or contraception. Although Obama signed legislation to eliminate government financial support of abortions which is now left to the parents, the store owners did not want the healthcare provided through their business to support abortion and contraception for the employees. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that employers will not be required to provide healthcare for practices of this sort if they are against their religious beliefs. (Dockterman, Eliana)

Dockterman, Eliana. "5 Things Women Need To Know About The Hobby Lobby Ruling." Time.Com (2014): 1. Business Source Premier. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
Ertelt, Steven. "1,270 Babies Born Alive After Failed Abortions in the U.S." LifeNews.com. N.p., 5 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
Rich Wagner, Alex K. Geraldine. "Abortion Debate." Salem Press Encyclopedia (2013): Research Starters. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

Wardell, Dorothy. "Margaret Sanger: Birth Control's Successful Revolutionary." American Journal Of Public Health 70.7 (1980): 736. Business Source Premier. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.


Sexual Abuse Towards Women: A Plague; Will it Ever End?

      Sexual Abuse has plagued women forever. Freudian beliefs portrayed women as "human-like
Sigmund Freud
Photo: Hertruename.com
dolls" put on the Earth to birth children, cook and clean for men, and to pleasure them.  Freud believed that since female sexual pleasure was not required to conceive offspring through reproduction, it was not important to fulfill. Growing up, Freud was pampered by his mother who believed that it was her duty to slave over men. In his eyes, women were almost childlike, as if men had to direct them like children or pets. Due to this influence growing up, Freud created these societal values that explained women as less than human beings that existed solely for the convenience of men. Unfortunately, these beliefs became very popular as others did not believe that Freud could ever be incorrect due to his intelligence and contribution to psychology. It is very possible that sexual abuse stemmed from beliefs as these. Men may feel the power to sexually abuse because of portrayed superiority, while women were there to pleasure men and bear their children anyway. (Hertruename.com) 

Lashing was a threat to slaves who
discussed sexual assault or rape.
Photo: Wikipedia
      Although all ethnicity, cultures, and skin colors have suffered from sexual abuse, African American women may suffer the most from the past in slavery to today in low-income areas. Slavery allowed slaveholders to "own" the slaves, depriving them of all rights. Black females truly faced dualism in discrimination as first they were deprived of independence and freedom, but also the ability to be sexually abused. Since no laws pertained to slave women, being raped was not illegal as they were just considered property. However, if the woman became pregnant, she may have been forced to work for an extra couple years as punishment and care for her child. Masters forced slave women and men to reproduce constantly no matter if they were inbreeding to produce more hands for the plantations. Victims had to act submissive because if they were caught discussing the matter, punishment could include the selling of that individual, lashings, or even death. Today called splitting or disassociation, keeping quiet was and is passed down through generations. Aside from rape and forced sex, slave women were publicly groped and molested while being sold at auctions, with no ability to stop the action. (Blacksurvivors.org) 

      Although slavery is now illegal, sexual abuse is a struggle all women still face today as a
Eye opening movie "Precious" shows lives of lower class
women who face incestuous sex abuse. 
whole. Unfortunately, sex slavery still occurs throughout the world. Sexual abuse is most documented in areas of low income with majority of the population being comprised of African Americans. One in four women report being sexually abused as children, 3.3 million of the victims being black women. Incestuous abuse of African Americans is three times more likely to occur than to white women or other ethnicity, and also includes physical violence and verbal threats. In 2005 alone, 83,810 cases of sexual abuse were reported. (Blacksurvivors.org) 

Photo: wxxinews.org
      College students are also at high risk for sexual abuse. The University of Montana is considered "America's rape capital" after 80 rapes were reported in a three year period and continuous violence attacks occurred on campus. This public outcry began in 2011 during finals when a female student reported being drugged and raped by the school football team. However, this title is misleading because the rates correspond with many other colleges across the United States. According to a recent study that assessed 3,000 women, one in four will be or have been sexually assaulted. According to the Obama administration, 55 United States colleges are under federal scrutiny for poorly handled sexual-assault cases. (Eliza, Grey) Obviously, all types of women are affected, not only in the United States, but also around the world.

"African Americans and Sexual Abuse." Black Survivors. Black Sexual Abuse Survivors, n.d. Web.
Gray, Eliza. "The College Town Of Missoula, Mont., Saw At Least 80 Reported Rapes Over Three Years, Earning It The Name America's Rape Capital. But The Nickname Has It Wrong. Missoula Isn't Special; It Is Fairly Average. The Truth Is, For Young Women, America's... (Cover Story)." Time 183.20 (2014): 20-27. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
"The Sexual Solipsism of Sigmund Freud." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.


Femininity and Womanism: The Lethal Pressures of Such a Demanding Image

      It is very well noted in history and today the demanding image women take upon themselves to satisfy society. Created by the lack of independence and equal rights, women in the past were considered helpless, only providing care to the house, the bearing of children, and the pleasing of male figures. They were forced to wear specific clothing which varied by area, time period, or culture, while men had a much less-strict image to fulfill. If women were not to perfect this image, mostly given to her my man and other pressures, she was discriminated against and considered to be lesser than others, or even some cases, a law-breaker. 

      Although all women were pressured into a feminine image, it is important to recognize different
Native American women who
were not considered attractive or
feminine were not accepted in society.
Photo: firstpeople.us
cultures and ethnic groups when studying women. One prominent culture that provides highlighted images of women is the Indians in American cultures. Although there was original conflict with the Indians when land was divided among the new settlers, the native American woman was held as an American symbol of liberty and motherhood, full of strength, but also a nurturing personality. Native American women, like Pocahontas, were told in stories of bravery of saving others and leading warships, although these stories were never proven to be true; they provided a sense of generosity. (Green, Rayna)

      Sexuality was also a growing aspect in the Indian Woman's perceived image. The physical features of these women became the natural beauty that America stove for to have as an elegant and attractive figure for representation. Indian women attire became to be known as seductively attractive and sleek, so the figures were often used to boost businesses such as jewelry. As a symbolic figure, a mother, and a true tribe member to her relatives, a Native American women was pressured to please different extremities of sexuality. She was assumed to be a nurturing mother figure, a dedicated wife to an Indian man, but also a symbol of lust for white men. (Green, Rayna)

      Another negative, but recognizable aspect detailed in a woman's image is whether she is "pretty" or "ugly." The Native Americans were one of the first who had detailed accounts of classification of this. The unfavorable sister, coined the name of Squaw, became the name of ugly. The name "Squaw" was given to any woman who did not fit the classification of attractiveness, child bearing, and man attracting. Some men married then became dishonorable because their wives turned int "Squaw" as they got older and less eye-pleasing. Squaw were considered outcasts in society and served to be at the bottom of a very discriminating pecking order. (Green, Rayna)

Young women face a feminine and "pretty" image.
Photo: pinterest.com
      Women today, especially young girls and teenagers, face many demanding pressures to fit the feminine image very similar to the one of the Native Americans and past women. Although women have more rights and freedom, there is still a general image for women to fit made of societal stereotypes that women are weak, smaller, pretty, fragile, and maybe even stay at home moms or cleaners. Unlike past decades in history, girls today face an countless number of pressures from media. Models usually have very similar appearances which lessens self-confident in girls who strive to fit features of an "attractive" female. This is where high rates of self-consciousness and depression play a part in image. Extreme cases, but not rare, can lead to eating disorders or some type of mutilation to the body to "perfect" it even if the tactics are extremely unhealthy, dangerous, or fake. However, there are smaller ways that females live up to the beautiful figure shown on television multiple times a day, which is the influence on clothes and make-up obsessions. Aside from just a physical appearance, females are pressured to sexually please men, which brings about pre-mature sexual contact, teen pregnancy, self-esteem issues, and so much more. The visual image forces women to change themselves to sexually please men. Similar to the Native Americans, instinctual aspects of image are included such as the bearing of children. Conclusively, the strict and sometimes demeaning image of women will continue, and so will the negative effects. (Stanhope, Clare)


Green, Rayna. "The Pocahontas Perplex: The Image of Indian Women in American Culture." The Massachusetts Review 1975: 698. JSTOR Journals. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
Stanhope, Clare. "Beauty And The Beast - Can Life Drawing Support Female Students In Challenging Gendered Media Imagery?." International Journal Of Art & Design Education 32.3 (2013): 352-361. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Ledbetter Act: Example of Recent Discrimination

Lilly Ledbetter
Photo: blog.al.com
      The Lily Ledbetter Act and the story behind it is an excellent example of recent discrimination and how our modern government handled it. Lilly Ledbetter worked for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company as an area manager for most of her career between 1979 and 1998. She was not aware for many years that her salary was 15 to 40% less than men in the same position. In 1998, she was denied a pay raise and afterwards received a anonymous note detailing the salaries of men in the same positions. (Rose, Nina Q)

      She filed a lawsuit during the same year, but it did not fit under Title IIV of Civil Rights Act of 1964 which stated that the charge must be filed within 180 days of an offense or 300 days if the person first initiated proceedings with an enforcement agency. The jury awarded her 3.8 million dollars until it was capped at $360,000. After being appealed, the jury's award was reversed by the Eleventh Circuit of Appeals. Ledbetter then filed a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court where her action was excluded as untimely. To do this, the court had to distort Title IIV's procedure, and Justice Samuel A. Alito wrote the majority opinion of a 5-4 decision. The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 was introduced on January 8th by Senator Barbara A. Mikulski and fifty-two co-sponsors. According to the Journal of Government Information Practice and Perspective: "the LLFPA specified that for pay discrimination claims, an unlawful employment practice occurs: [such as a discriminatory compensation decision that affects wages, benefits, or other compensation]." It prohibits the discrimination of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, and disability. The Act was the first law that President Obama signed on January 29th. (Rose, Nina Q)

According to Whitehouse.gov, by age 65, the average
woman will have lost $431,000 because of the gender
earning gap.
      Although the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was signed into law in 2009, President Obama revisited the subject during his 2014 State of the Union Address. He stated, "Today, women make up about half our workforce,” he said. “But they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it’s an embarrassment. A woman deserves equal pay for equal work. … It’s time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a ‘Mad Men’ episode." He closed by saying, "This year, let’s all come together – Congress, the White House, and businesses from Wall Street to Main Street – to give every woman the opportunity she deserves. Because I firmly believe when women succeed, America succeeds." (Whitehouse.gov)


Rose, Nina Q. "Lilly Ledbetter." Dttp: A Quarterly Journal Of Government Information Practice & Perspective 39.4 (2011):                      21-25. Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 15 Oct. 2014.
Shiu, Patricia. "Mad Men, Working Women, and Fair Pay." The White House Blog. The White House, 30 Jan. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

Women's Pay in the Past and Present

Female Nurses Without Pay
Photo: sciencemuseum.org.uk 
      If women were accepted and hired into the workplace, they did not have much of a chance to earn a decent living. Before 1750, lawsuits were brought to courts without specialized legal training where men and women would act as "attorneys in fact." As soon as lawyers became a paid profession, women were eliminated from the career. Nursing and teaching were job fields that offered the most women positions, but the lowest pay and low status. Nursing was actually considered as an extension of unpaid services of a midwife when women still dominated that field. (Women's International Center) 

Women demand Equal Rights in Protest
Photo: umck.edu
      Petitions and strikes did not work well in women's favor. Although a few unions began to form in support of women, male employers started to hold action against them calling it disrespectful and made the overall statement: "Give women an inch and they will take an ell" (Anthony, Susan B.) In 1868, collar laundry women began a trades union. Although their average pay increased from $6 to $8 to $11 to $21 per week, their income was a fraction of male workers and the employers. 1,000 women took the initiative to strike in May of 1869 for three long months. The women and unions ran out of money and were laughed at by their employers claiming that "not a single paper advocated their cause" in their opinion. Employers bribed news papers, an assumption of $10,000, to headline the newspaper: "If Women Are Not Satisfied, They Better Get Married." At the time, men won most work strikes and news papers did not dare to take bribes in their case. During the same time of 1868, the National Labor Union began pushing for equal pay between genders. In another case in the East, female teachers petitioned for better pay. The School Board actually decreased their salaries by $25 dollars a month, while the male salaries would be increased as their value was higher because of their right to vote. (Anthony, Susan B.) In 1903, the Women's Trade Union was established to unionize women and fight for better wages and working conditions.
According to off the sidelines.org, in 2012, white women made 77 cents off
of every dollar a man made, African American women made 69 cents, and
Latina women made only 58 cents.

   The gender gap has lessened throughout history in America although it is still present, however, this problem still remains a world-wide issue. According to Congressional Digest, by 2010, women made up 47% of the workforce and surpassed men in higher education levels. In manager and higher positions, women made 81 cents of every dollar men made. Even though in the category of lesser education, women earned less money for the same labor. Women earned an average of $14, while men earned an average of $19. According to Closethegap.co.uk, the global gender pay gap is 15.1%, with Korea having the worst of 37.5% and Slovenia having one of the least gaps of 3.5%. The United States ranks 16 with a gap of 17.8%. Although the gap has decreased greatly in many scenarios, and even some with women making more than men, the majority consensus declares that women still make a lot less than men overall. (Movehub.com)


"The #1 Resource for Moving Abroad." Global Gender Pay Gap Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Close The Gap Working Paper 9. "What Is The Gender Pay Gap?" GENDER PAY GAP STATISTICS (n.d.): n. pag. Close the Gap. Web.
"Equal Pay - Off The Sidelines." Off The Sidelines. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
"Gender Pay." Congressional Digest 93.5 (2014): 8-10. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
"Susan B. Anthony." - Women's Political Communication Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

"WIC - Women's History in America." WIC - Women's History in America. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2014.

Women in the Workplace: Still Facing Wrongful Discrimination?

      Previously throughout history, women were discriminated towards in the workplace. But do
Women Working Low Class Jobs
Photo: post-gazette.com
women still face that struggle today? In the past, women were not given the ability to equally compete for jobs and careers for many reasons: they were not permitted the education required to become professionals, under law and societal classification, women were to be supported by the man, they were to take a negative hit on image if in the workforce, and exclusion from politics. (Women's International Center)

     Susan B. Anthony mentioned in her 1871 speech of Suffrage and the Working Woman, that she had come across a lady who truly believed in complete dependence of males through the statement of: "No indeed, indeed ladies. I'll have you to understand my husband is a gintleman and no gintleman allows his wife to go out and work." At the time, labor was seen as more degrading to women than men, but this ignored the fact that most women (obviously not the woman Susan B. Anthony mentioned) were up for the work to become independent. But aside from women's longings, society did not agree with allowing women to enter the workforce as men saw no need. Since women were not allowed to vote either, officials saw no point in hiring women who could not vote for them in political standards.  Another experience Anthony detailed in her speech was a personal conversation with a judge: "'Miss Anthony, I was almost converted by your lecture last night. I have one son and one daughter. The son is at college,' I asked him, 'Is your son possessed of the requisite ability to place him in your position?' 'No,' he replied; 'he will spend his days in a garrett daubing paints on a canvass. But my daughter has a splendid legal mind, and understands already much of my duties, What a pity she was not a boy!'" As we can see through studying feminism and women's rights, many issues females faced were intertwined as one could not work well without the other. (Anthony, Susan B.)

Elizabeth Blackwell
Photo: thegalleryofheroes.com

      Elizabeth Blackwell was a bright image for women in the workforce. She was the first woman formally admitted to medical school and graduated at the top of her class in 1849 at Geneva College. She also faced much discrimination and was led to found her her own institution to teach herself and other women doctors, the New York Infirmary for Women. In 1853, the Philadelphia Female Medical College was the first of its kind, although graduates struggled greatly to be accepted among male doctors. During this time, other professions allowing women to take role were decreasing. Although it is hard to believe, males replaced almost all female midwives. There were less female storekeepers and business holders, and women were mostly found in businesses only pertaining to women. (Elizabeth Blackwell)

Women in the Workforce Poster
Photo: Pbworks.com
      Limitations women face in the workplace today are quite alarming and occur for many reasons in the United States and around the world. Women may face discrimination because of their physical abilities, feminine appearance, family planning, and societal stereotypes. (Kane, Sonia) The United States has past several legislation decisions to attempt to eliminate gender inequality in the workplace. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in the workplace which addresses equal benefits, sexual harassment, hiring, and firing. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act, prohibits discrimination based on pregnancy. However, there is still unreported and unproven discrimination for this reason. The United Nations proposed the concept of the "glass ceiling" which states that there are barely any societies where women are completely to par with men. With this statement, the Glass Ceiling Commission was created as a government-funded group. According the the Commission, "Over half of all Master's degrees are now awarded to ladies, yet, 95% of senior-level managers, of the top Fortune 1000 industrial and 500 service companies are men." (Godbole, Medha

Indian Women Protesting for Equality
Photo: Thehindu.com
    There have been many accounts of female discrimination in the workplace over the years. According to Scholastic.com, Meredith Vieira, a ABC news correspondent, had always wanted to travel overseas to the Middle East, but an executive member responded to her requests stating, "I just don't want you to get killed over there. That would never have happened with a man." Also, according to Ellen Futter, president of the American Museum of Natural History and former president of Barnard College in New York City, "Young women have opportunities to pursue careers in virtually all fields of human endeavor, but their opportunities remain largely those of training and entry....There are few women...at the very tops of their occupational fields."(Scholastic.com) 

      Aside from American society, there is a great deal of discrimination in other countries. In 1992, an Indian female government official was gang raped by five men after attempting to refrain from them marrying off a girl who was less than a year old. Since then, the landmark case has given women stronger rights in the workforce, but the negatives continue to weigh out the positives. In some or possibly most areas of the Middle East, women are not allowed to own a business or travel without permission from a male relative. This is also the case in some Asian and African countries. (Godbole, Medha) As we can see by the immense amount of discrimination around the world, discrimination in the workplace is not even close to being abandoned. 

"Blackwell, Elizabeth." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2014): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Godbole, Medha. "Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace." Buzzle. Buzzle.com, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Kane, Sonia, and Suzanne McCabe. "Women in the U.S. Today." Scholastic Publishes Literacy Resources and Children's Books for Kids of All Ages. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Lemonick, Michael. "I'm Beautiful But Hire Me Anyway." Time. Time, 10 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
"Susan B. Anthony." - Women's Political Communication Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
"What We Do | National Glass Ceiling Commission." What We Do | National Glass Ceiling Commission. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
"WIC - Women's History in America." WIC - Women's History in America. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2014.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Watson in the Women's Movement

      Most people recognize Emma Watson as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter Movies. Not as many, however, are aware of her action in the feminist movement today, but this is soon to change. On July 8, 2014, she was appointed by the United Nations Women's Organization to serve as the Goodwill Ambassador. The organization is dedicated to the gender equality and empowerment of females around the world. They selected Emma Watson as the ambassador because her past humanitarian and girl's education work with visits to Zambia and Bangladesh. She plans to direct her work towards the empowerment of young women and is serving as the representative for the UN Women's HeForShe campaign, which was delivered in her speech above. Upon receiving notice of her choosing for the position, Emma responded: "Being asked to serve as UN Women’s Goodwill Ambassador is truly humbling. The chance to make a real difference is not an opportunity that everyone is given and is one I have no intention of taking lightly. Women’s rights are something so inextricably linked with who I am, so deeply personal and rooted in my life that I can’t imagine an opportunity more exciting. I still have so much to learn, but as I progress I hope to bring more of my individual knowledge, experience and awareness to this role." (United Nations Women's Organization)

Photo: imaginepeace.com
Photo: Telegram.co.uk
    The HeForShe campaign is a solidarity movement that is asking boys and men to get involved in supporting and advocating the feminist movement. In her speech seen above, Watson explained the real meaning of feminism- the equality of the sexes. She stated, "The more I have talked about feminism, the more I've realized that fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop." Her speech highlighted feminist issues that genders face today compared to the past. Women face discrimination in education, leadership positions, the workforce, and sexual assault. Males face challenging pressures to be tough and ignore healthy emotions. One of her main points was explaining how men and women can be strong, and men and women can be vulnerable.
This campaign is working towards the involvement of men in the fight for equal rights by comparing gender struggles to those of the past; in today's society there needs to be more of a cumulative effort of both sexes than there has been in history. Feminism and equal rights will not be achieved or progressed if both sexes won't come together to fight it harmoniously, recognizing that gender issues effect both women and men. (HeForShe.org)

Countdown Threat to Emma Watson for Feminist Speech
Photo: ryot.org
      According to a periodical by Charlotte Alter on Time.com, the overall response to Emma Watson's speech and the campaign have been both very positive and very negative. She mentioned in her speech: "no country in the world can yet say they have achieved gender equality," which was absolutely proven with the absurd negative responses. Although over 68,000 men from around the world signed on to the campaign, Watson has also received threats in response to her feminist speech. The 4chan message board which is not identifiable by law enforcement created a webpage called "Emma You Are Next," in citation to the attacks they made on Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities. This page was a supposedly countdown to the release of nude pictures of her to the public in disgust to her "stupid" feminist speech. Other web users starting spreading a rumor that she had died posting, "#RIPEmmaWatson." Although the immense amount of subscribers to the campaign was definitely a step in the right direction, it is questionable to everyone how many steps backwards the evil attacks symbolize. (Alter, Charlotte)

Alter, Charlotte. "Emma Watson Asked Men To Support Women And Here's How They Responded." Time.Com (2014): 1. Business Source Premier. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.
"Home - HeForShe." HeForShe. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.
"UN Women Announces Emma Watson as Goodwill Ambassador." HeadQuarters. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2014.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Leadership In The Past Movement And Today's Activism

      Aside from understanding the progress of the Women's Movement through important dates and events, it is also important to understand the organizations and activists that made them happen. Although there were and are countless feminists and advocates in the world, this post only highlights a small number.To appreciate the rights and respect women have gained today to the fullest extent, it is crucial to recognize the hardships, perseverance, and discrimination these people had to face to achieve change. 

      What fact many people don't realize is that the Women's Rights Movement did not only occur because of women, it was also from the work of men. In the past before gender equality began to be considered, men held all of the power in the government, societal stereotypes, and homes. There were many brave women activists, but how would their voices be heard without men? Without historical men activists, no one knows if the movement would have even been achieved. And why would certain men stand up for women while others would not? Most men activists were strongly influenced by mothers, aunts, sisters, wives, and daughters, which caused them to recognize that the struggles their loved ones faced were absolutely not fair. 

Fredrick Douglass
Photo: blackpast.org
  Fredrick Douglass was a very strong equal rights activist for both women and blacks. He was one of the few men to attend the Seneca Falls Convention, opposing those who were only standing up for women stating that, "women must take the Negro by hand." He wrote a letter to Theordore Tilton in 1867 describing the conditions of his past friend's family after becoming slaves. Being very generous in nature, he provided a safe haven for this family as well as continued support and contribution to the equal rights movement. He said in the letter, "But let the old system go! I would not call its guilty ghost from the depths into which its crimes have cast it. I turn gladly from the darkness of the past to the new better di
spensation now dawning. . . ." (Frederick Douglass : Selected Speeches and Writings) Along with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Candy Stanton, he petitioned the New York Legislature for voting rights for women and blacks. He was also appointed as a representative for the Equal Rights Association to argue for an extension of franchise to women. (Frederick Douglass : Selected Speeches and Writings)
Mary Wollstonecraft
Photo: Wikipedia

      Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the very yearly feminists born in 1759, having been the author of the most memorable and moving book in that time period called,Vindication of the Rights of Women. The book provided a moral and obvious-reason based argument for the equal rights of women. A very prominent idea was provided in a statement from her book: “Man has been held out as independent of his power who made him, or as a lawless planet darting from its orbit to steal the celestial fire of reason; and the vengeance of temerity, by introducing evil into the world," questioning why men are taking the power and feel entitled to act as God with power that was intended to be in the hands of all citizens in an equal manner. (Wollstonecraft, Mary)
Margaret Fuller
Photo: virtualology.com

     Another important literary work was Women In The Nineteenth Century by feminist Margaret Fuller. The book described how women should be allowed to be more self-dependent and how the views of men and women should be equal. Another idea she explored was that men would also benefit from harmonic love if equal rights were given to women through her statement: "Whatever the soul knows how to seek, it cannot fail to obtain. This is the Law and the Prophets. Knock and it shall be opened; seek and ye shall find." This means that for man to experience full quality of the earth, happiness, and prosperity, he must find love for all genders and races, which has been lost due to European and other negative influences. The inner souls of people seek to find such love because it was given from God for all the people of the land to inherit. (Fuller, Margaret)
Elizabeth Stanton and Susan Anthony
Photo: ecssba.rutgers.edu

     Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were two early, but two of the most important activists. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the main author of the Declaration of Sentiments. Susan B. Anthony was arrested for attempting to vote to prove that the fourteenth amendment was not in action. Together, attended women's rights conventions, published a women's newspaper called the Revolution, and formed the National Woman Suffragist Association. (Americaslibrary.gov)

Alice Paul
Photo: Americaslibrary.org

     Alice Paul herself and the organization she created, the National Women's Party, protested and fought for suffrage and equality amendments. Herself and others were injured and imprisoned during picketing. She was force fed during a hunger strike and was put into a mental institution until President Wilson released her and others after the shocking news made it to the public. After the release of the abused suffragists, Wilson stated that the support of a suffrage amendment was a "war measure" causing the nineteenth amendment to be ratified. She fought for an Equal Rights Amendment calling it the "Lucretia Mott Amendment" but would later be called the Alice Paul Amendment. (Alice Paul Institute)

      Sojourner Truth was a very religious equal rights activist who traveled in the Midwest to do so. After being a former slave and having children sold into slavery, she was inspired to make a difference. (Sojournertruth.org) Her "Ain't I A Woman" speech was the most moving: This video from youtube.com is a reenactment by Nia Long.

Betty Friedan
Photo: Wikipedia
      Betty Friedan is considered to be the mother of the Modern Women's Movement. She wrote The Feminine Mystique which details how the 1950 time period was a time where women lost individuality. She joined a union to fight racism, especially double burdened black women. She eventually confounded the National Organization for Women (NOW) which is now the largest feminist organization in the United States and is present in all states and the District of Columbia with a half million members. She was awarded the Elanor Roosevelt Leadership Award (whom was discussed in the last post) in 1989. (Parry, Manon)

Shirin Ebadi
Photo: Speakersbulgaria.com

     Shirin Ebadi is a current women rights activist. She studied to be a lawyer because she was not allowed to be a judge in Iran. She won the Nobel Peace Prize for advocating about women's and human rights. She is one of the founders of the Nobel Women's Initiatives which supports rights around the world. (biographyonline.net)

Malala Yousafzai
Photo: basnews.com

     Malala Yousafzai is one of the most well known activists today because of her publicity on the news, for unfortunate reasons. She is a Pakistan schoolgirl who campaigned for education rights among Taliban threat. She recently survived an assassination attempt becoming a leader in women's education rights and respect in Islam. (biographyonline.net)

Ezra Miller
Photo: Wikipedia
     As mentioned before, feminists are not only females. There are many male feminists and women's equality activists in today's society; many being famous celebrities, musicians, or political figures. One of the men I was most informed about due to recent films is Ezra Miller. In 2013, at the age of 21, Ezra attended New York's One Billion Rising to Stop Violence Against Women campaign. He spoke to the crowd: "One in three women in the world will experience domestic violence or rape within the course of their lifetime. To me, I grew up in a household of women and I feel that all revolutionary causes should start with addressing misogyny." Other recognizable male feminists today include: Patrick Stewart, David Schwimmer, John legend, Prince Harry, Ryan Gosling, Daniel Craig, Ben Stiller, Will Smith, Richard Sherman, Ashton Kutcher, and Barack Obama.(Huffingtonpost.com)

Butler, Mary G. "Sojourner Truth A Life and Legacy of Faith." Sojourner Truth. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2014.
Douglass, Frederick, Yuval Taylor, and Philip Sheldon Foner. Frederick Douglass : Selected Speeches And Writings. Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1999. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 8 Oct. 2014.
"Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony." Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2014.
"Famous Women's Rights Activists -." Biography Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2014.
Fuller, Margaret. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Norton, 1971. Print.
Parry, Manon. "Betty Friedan: Feminist Icon And Founder Of The National Organization For Women." American Journal Of Public Health 100.9 (2010): 1584-1585. Business Source Premier. Web. 8 Oct. 2014.
Vagianos, Alanna. "28 Famous Men Who Prove You Don't Need To Be A Woman To Be A Feminist." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 25 July 2014. Web. 09 Oct. 2014.
"Who Was Alice Paul - API." API. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman : With Strictures On Political And Moral Subjects. [Auckland, N.Z.]: The Floating Press, 2010. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 8 Oct. 2014.